A Gentleman’s Guide to Online Blackjack

Guide to Online BlackjackGreetings, my fellow slot hunters! It is I once more, yours truly, sir Oscar Gough with another article meant to assist you, fine gentlemen, in your hunt! Jolly, this truly sounds like an awful infomercial, doesn’t it? My most sincerest, apologies, folks, allow me to go back to my point. Many of you are already rather skilled in the most fine art of slot hunting – I have received more than one electronic letter from you detailing your adventures in the dangerous steppes of the online slots. But what many of you expressed concerns about is that slot hunting, while a most spectacular activity within its own right, is but one of the many, many different ways one can spend the time in the online casino jungle. Of course, as a proper gentleman, it is only right for me to have knowledge of other forms of gambling, such as roulette or blackjack. So allow me to share a few small tips with you that could enhance your hunting experience.

1. A Gentleman Is Well Educated

Hunting slots requires little preparation, admittedly – once you know where to locate the slot that you wish to pursue, the rest of the hunt goes very smoothly. That is not true when it comes to blackjack! Blackjack is all about being well educated and learning how to play the game! A true gentleman takes all the knowledge he can get his hands on. You can usually find a lot of information through books (a simple search for “blackjack” on Amazon and a scroll through the highest rated titles should suffice), but there is also a lot of useful information online as well.

2. A Gentleman Plays Live Blackjack

Online blackjack, while certainly possessing not a miniscule amount of appeal to itself, still may get a tad dry after numerous games. I, for example, get bored rather easily after a dozen or so games. Us true British lads require constant entertainment in order to remain amused, and since online blackjack does not change much, it is rarely able to hold my attention for very long. That is why live blackjack is such a fantastic idea – the presence of a variable, within the form of a real (and often very British) dealer keeps the game fresh for long periods of time and allows one to have many hours of entertainment! Some dealers are so spectacularly jolly that even merely observing them is fun!

3. A Gentleman Knows When To Stop

Unlike slots, online blackjack can be very addictive. ‘Tis quite easy for one to say “Oh, just one more hand is not going to hurt”, but one hand leads to ten, and ten lead to a hundred. If you find out that you can no longer stop, then that means you are very likely suffering from a case of gambling addiction. Luckily there are numerous British charity organizations (my favourite of which being GambleAware) which will happily help you go through this problem, if you are experiencing it. So don’t forget that there are other fine British gentlemen (and ladies!) who are always there for you should you need them.